the Alchera Dream Software - Testimonials for Alchera

[..] there are MANY benefits to dream journaling software over journal writing in a book... especially the dissecting and organizing and cross referencing themes and symbols over a long period... just way cool. Liz Diaz

Alchera is an excellent tool. It allows me to trace dream history, themes and series dreams. Dream evolution! Pamela Marks

I bought the Alchera software about a month ago and I find it very productive in managing my dreams. Paul Blomquist

I just have to write this small note to you about your great software and support! I really admire your caliber of professionalism and your software just plain rocks! Robert Svoboda

Your emphasis is the dream BUT the easy access to a journal page that supports the day's happenings before a dream is absolutely brilliant. Right at my fingertips I can scan the day that is tied in with the dream. Do not take that out. Your emphasis is the DREAMWORK with the support of the days journal page. Easy on ..easy offf. Your product is just like a day and night store. Hahahaha. It's brilliant. Sister Paula

[..] the program is extremely easy to use, yet is surprisingly rich in features. Peggy Coats for Dream Time Magazine

Alchera is a sophisticated program for recording and interpreting your dreams. It provides an editor for dream records, a journal to give your dreams some context, exercises to clarify your recollections and aid in analysis, tools for identifying characters and themes, and an extensible symbol dictionary -- all integrated in a well-designed interface. ZDNET

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